Daily M.I.&T / Encouraging Words / Inspirations / Writings

Thursday, 04.04.2019

Sometimes they cry wolf, and in that cry they are actually saying I like it here. Our hearts and efforts may be in the right place, but if a person is comfortable where they are regardless of how bad it may be and or effect them, they will remain right there. Until they take an active role in producing a change, unfortunately your efforts to support them will not produce the expected outcomes. Sometimes we have to learn to leave people right where they desire to be, even if that is in a sinking ship, or a stink pen. They have the choice to jump ship or hop the fence, but they just choose not to. #yourtalktherapy #ytt #mentalhealthcounselor #helpthosewhomhelpthemselves #dailymit #inspiration #encouragement #thetruthhurts #mhc #sinkingship #pigpen #choices

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